From MSP to South Korea to Taipei

From left to right, you see a Four Cheese Ravioli, Caprese Salad, and a dinner roll. I really enjoyed this meal. We had a couple of option to chose from, but I thought id play it safe since its Airplane food. I definitely smashed this meal though.
This Roasted Tomato and Mozzarella Burschetta was just the right snack as we approached the half way mark of our 13 hour flight. I think this was a solid 8 out of 10.

OMGGG. When I tell you this Ice cream was the perfect dessert, I was truly sadden when I found my spoon touching the bottom of the container. Thankfully, my friend Kaylee doesnt like cookie dough, so I was able to scoop her ice cream right off her hands.

This was our Almost there/ Farewell breakfast. It included some fruit, yogurt, and a Egg and Swiss cheese sandwich. Not going to lie, the sandwich was not my favorite, but the rest was really good. 

We followed these escalator to our gate inside of the South Korean Airport. I think the United States has some learning to do, because we made it through security in maybe 5 minutes. They basically did everything for us, and sent us on our way. 

This was probably the best way to start our 5 hour layover in South Korea. We got to make Najeon Key Chains, for absolutely free. They gave us the butterfly, and then you could add what you liked to the rest of the pendant. Then seal it with a type of resin that completely dries in 5 hours. 

Honestly, its just a baby fire extinguisher and I thought it was super cute. 

We were all hungry, and wanted some real substance outside of that plane food. This was in the South Korean airport, and it was heavenly. On the plate, there is some glass noodles with some rice. Next to it is a squid soup, which I didn't know was squid soup until my Friend who also order the same thing next to me showed me the squid she had in hers.  Then the two plates above the soup were some form of root, and yellow radish. We also had some kimchi, a type of green spicy vegetable, and dumplings.

Finally, we arrived in Taiwan after what felt like a eternity of traveling. This was behind the place where you show them your Arrival card as a non resident, and your passport. Then they will take your picture, and your fingers are scanned. 

The hotel was about 50 minutes away from the airport, but the rooms are really nice. We are a small group so we all were able to have our own bed. Which is exactly what we all needed after 21 hours of traveling. 

I couldn't tell you what this is for, but it looked really cute. It was out side of the 7 eleven convenience store. 

Here is what will become the most important store while we are here. The 7 eleven convenience store. Its open 24/7 which is just what we need in order to grab snacks and other food items. Since we are still adjusting to the time change, when we wake up randomly and we are hungry, this store is here to our rescue. 

This was what I got the first time we went into the 7 eleven, We just arrived in Taiwan, it was about 2 am local time, but 12pm in the afternoon back home. So we were all starving. I got these items and the chips are legit the best chips I have ever had. They are chicken flavored chips and while they taste nothing like chicken, they are delicious.
Heres a cute view of our hotel hall way. Which again looks super freaking cute.

These Tea eggs were absolutely delicious. We learned that they boil their eggs differently. They boil the eggs and then crack the shell ever so slightly, so that the broth in which the eggs soak in can be absorbed into the egg. The broth usually contains tea and some bone. They actually taste better then regular boiled eggs to me. Might need to learn a recipe so I can make these at home. They are full of flavor. 


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