What is there to do on a Rainy day?

We went to Ximen which was a mid town tourist attraction area. We visited a lot of different vendors, seen some beautiful pieces of jewelry that was easily over priced, and ate some delicious food as always. We had the opportunity to go and see Dr. Huangs house he grew up in, which is where his Dad and brothers still live. From there we went and had a dumpling dinner, which was super good. We had some different flavored dumplings, from cabbage and pork, spicy Korean, to curry and shrimp filled dumplings. Due to the rain, we didn't do some of the originally planned activities, but the improvised activities were just as great.  We finished up the day with some more food, and then went swimming, which I will go into more details about later.

If you are wondering, no we didn't play any games, because we don't get to convert our USD into Taiwanese Dollars until Monday. (Tomorrow). So we just did this to look cute. 

Best strawberry smoothie I have ever had. Everything here is  definitely fresher than  the food and products we have  back home.

I got some fried chicken, which came with some veggies, rice. A side of soup which is in that black cup. Fries to share with others in the group. An a drink. i would have preferred water, but that wasn't an option. 

Leaving Dr. Huangs Families house.

Sharing donuts. There dough for their donuts is so different. the texture of the donuts are a lot more spongy compared to our donuts. 

We decided to go swimming. We didn't know that it was in a separate building then the hotel, so we walk down to the lobby all ready to swim, and asked the receptionist who informed us of the pools location. We didn't have any towels, and it was raining outside, but be ran next door to the building that held the pool. It was like  YMCA, the pool, gym, and track were all in one place. So we go to get in the pool, didn't know it is required of everyone to wear a cap. We didn't have any caps, so we were going to leave, but they gave us some caps. Here's the kicker, we didn't want to wear them because they were already used, and we all know lice is a thing. However, we had to pay to get in... so we were hit with a dilemma. Long story short, So, we put them on and swam. I then washed my hair and scalp with the closes I could get to scolding hot water. Over all, the day was a great day. Now its time for me to catch some ZZZs. 



  2. Sounds like a delightful day full of fun. Love and miss you. 💚


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