
Showing posts from 2020

Flying back to MN!

Well, the time as finally come to return back to the U.S. I was over ecstatic to return home, but just as equally sad to be leave Taiwan. I have made such amazing memories. I couldn't have imagined this trip to go any better than it did. I loved the people I've connected with, the places I've traveled, the food I was able to the try, and everything else I've explained since the beginning of my Blog. I am so happy I got to finally study abroad, and I hope to make more experiences like this in the future. In the airport in Taiwan Food in the Korean air port, where we had an 8 hour lay over. It was so boring, because we had nothing to do. So, i ate this food pictured above then looked around to see if there was anything to buy, and there wasn't. Then we attempted to sleep, but the chairs were so hard and uncomfortable to sleep on the chair.  Food on the long flight back to Minneapolis. Honestly, this food was way better this time then the food we recei

Last Free Day!

Last day to explore, so I went looking at this store in Nangan for these type of marsh mellow cracker snacks. I then found them at a night market, and was sad I spent money on the wrong thing when I went to this store. I also found this suppppper cute spongebob theme red envelope that would be used during the Chinese new year. I wanted to buy them, but I wouldn't have used them for their intended purpose, so I decided not to get them.   Last time using the subway, the main source of our transportation on the trip, and while in Taipei. I will miss how convenient it was, especially because we don't have a subway at home.  Last time on the bus with these beauties. I love them with all my heart. Forever my favorite people, and friends I made while on this trip. I am so glad I've met Kaylee and Baily. I hope to remain friends with them forever. Without them, this experience would have been a whole lot different, and not necessarily in a positive way, because they hel

Final Presentation

On Tuesday the 21st I legit didn't leave the hotel all day. I just finished my last paper comparing Chinese and Western Medicine, and then worked on the presentation me and my partner were presenting tomorrow. On the morning of Wednesday the 22nd, me and my partner gave our final presentation on the research we conducted, as well as depicting what we did for our chemistry experiments, and finishing with our personal experience. After the presentation was over we had the rest of the day to do what ever we wanted. So me, Baily, and Kaylee all left and went to a pizza hut buffet which is pictured above. Honestly, I thought majority of the pizza was nasty. It only made me want more pizza from back home. The sauces and flavors were just weird. Once we finished we went back to the hotel to prepare for the dinner we all had to attend later on as a group. Our Final outing. It was also a buffet and again, I didn't find that I found a lot of foods I personally enjoyed. I think at that

Seminar- Stem cell derived lung organoid

We started the day by meeting up in the lab to do a cardiac analysis of  our embryos that we had previously treated with the compounds we brought back from Taichung. There is one chemical we use that is supposed to induce the hair failure in the embryos, and that chemical is combined with the rest of the compounds we were testing. When looking in the wells that should contain embryos of fish that have heart failure, we seen perfectly healthy fish, so that means we needed to allow the fish sit for another day before completing the analysis. The other group in the lab saw that their last fractions they were testing had caused all the embryos to die, and so when we checked the last 3 of our total fractions, fractions 8 through 10 contained wells full of dead embryos. Once we finished looking at what we could for the day we went to the bank, and then traveled to National Taiwan University to meet up with Dr. Lee who would bring us to the seminar on the stem cell derived lung organoid. 

Free day!

We had an entire day to do whatever we want. So I decided to sleep in, well attempted to. I forgot to put my do not disturb sign on my door, so the maids woke me up. Then I went down stairs with my friend Baily to get some food which you see in this picture. Then the rest of the day we went shopping in Ximen. I finally got to try the poop ice cream place, no the ice cream is not poop, it just comes in a porcelain toilet, and looks like poop. I also got to finally get a pair of shoes. It was a great day. I am exhausted and plan to sleep right after I finish this blog.  My friend Kaylee wanted to stop at a Harley-Davidson store to see if she could fine a shirt for her dad. Unfortunately, she didn't find what she was looking for.  Chinese New Year's decorations The Modern Toilet, a restaurant that serves drinks in urinals, and food in toilets. The food also comes our looking like a swirl of poop or a turd. Lastly, the restaurant is themed like a toilet as well, so

Back in Taipei, Running chemical treatments

We hit the road to return back to Taipei, and on the way back to the hotel we stopped at the chocolate factory. It didn't have as much chocolate as I was expecting. However they give you a 100 dollar voucher, so that was nice because it was almost like I got two pieces of chocolate for free.  Top chocolate is filled with a passion fruit paste, and the second one in the picture is hazel nut.  Chocolate with alcohol in them. I tried the baileys one, and It wasn't bad, but the more and more I try alcoholic things here, the more  realize I don't like it.  Here are the samples we brought back from Taichung. Some in the vials and some in the eppendorf tubes. We used Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as the solvent to dilute the samples. We had to do some calculations in order to figure out how much DMSO to add to each vial. This math included using the weight of the sample that we collected, divided by 300 for the molecular weight. Then divide that answer by 100 which

Last day of chemistry experiments

This picture may look very familiar. We went to this exact location earlier in the same week. This is a pretty famous spot, and the food was just as good as the first time when we ate here. I really enjoyed this hibachi style restaurant, and I am quite sad to know that this was my last time eating here, as we head back to Taipei. The best food here was their garlic chicken and their vegetables. I really liked the cabbage, it was seasoned really well and even had a kick to it, which added a needed degree of hotness, although I ended up burning my tongue because my vegetables were unknowingly boiling on my tray. After we ate our meal, we walked back to the chemistry lab to meet up with a guy named Winder. He lead us to the place where Dr. Chiu-Ming Chang was located. Dr Chang specializes in Chinese medicine, and acupuncture. He did acupuncture on all of us, cupping, and Moxibustion. Once we finished with all of this we went back to the lab so we could finish up the last of our experime