Chinese Medicine Museum

Started off the day with a tour around the campus that we are currently staying at. The campus is a christian campus, the dorms are separated by female and males. They also have an on campus dog, which is super cute. We went around and seen the lab, the animals they test on like the rats and the rabbits. We seen the church located on the campus and a set up of how the classrooms look. It is truly a beautiful campus. Once our tour was over we went to CMU to visit Dr. Huang, a colleague of our Professor who is letting us use her lab as we conduct chemistry experiments. After meeting Dr. Huang we went to the Chinese medicine museum, where we were guided around by a student who is currently studying Chinese medicine. She gave us a background of the history, and answered any questions we may have had. We then went to the lab and started the beginning of our first chemistry experiment. 

example of the classrooms

The church on the campus


This is a picture of Que Bin a famous doctor during the Spring, Autumn, and Warring states period. He is one of many famous doctors that are part of the very beginning of Chinese medicine.

Tuo Hua, the most famous physician most Taiwanese people know about. He invented the first herbal anesthetic formula during bowel surgery. Due to this the prime minister at the time wanted him to be his private doctor but Tuo Hua did not want to only treat the prime minster, he wanted to be able to treat everyone who needed his help. So he lied to the prime minister and told him his wife was sick so he could leave and practice back home. The prime minster found out Tuo Hua was lying and sent him to prison. While in prison he wrote a book about all the things he knew about Chinese medicine because he was in fear of the prime minister killing him, however when he gave it to one of the security guards, asking for it to be spread around after he dies, the guard burned that book.

This is a picture that is supposed to represent how to practice chi in our body. There is an idea that the forest corresponds to the liver in the body. In this idea that Chi has to go up and go out, and that is similar to the trees and its branches.

In the past this was a compass that was used for Feng Shui or Chinese geomancy, which is a traditional practice in which energy is used to harmonized individuals with their surrounding environments. Our guide stated this is no longer used as much because it is quite complicated. 

This was for making pills. The top right corner of this machine is a roller, so it makes the different herbs that are being used into like a pizza dough shape. Then it is placed on the left side of the machine where it is rolled into what looks like noodles. Then lastly it is placed in the bigger front section where it becomes the pill.

medicine cabinet with 99 drawers. 9 is Jiu. Jiu represents longevity or everlasting. Lots of Taiwanese people find Jiu to be a very lucky number.

This is supposed to represent the 12 meridians of the body, and these are important to know for acupuncture. 

Chinese medicine shop

good for eye, even though I already wear glasses.

Shows the different type of needles have been used over time in Acupuncture 

Herbal garden.

Aloe Vera, which is used for hepatitis and constipation 

Drynaria fortunei (kunze) J. Sm. is helps to stop bleeding, helps with your circulation and is good for the kidneys

Tubernaemontana divaricata helps with hypothyriodism

Fluegga virosa. Helps to get rid of pus quicker, and helps with pain relief

Belamcanda chinensis helps with detoxification, helps when you are gassy, clears throat of phlegm and helps with menstrual cycles

here is the sample that we begin to test in our chemistry experiments. It HLSSFM

This is a strip of the sheet we use for thin layer chromatography. This sheet has a thin layer of absorbent material which is usually silica gel. This helps to separate non-volatile mixtures. 

Showing different results from our TLC experiments. This is a picture of the sheet under the uv light before it is burned so we could see the colors better to determine how far the particles traveled. 


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