On the Road

Today was another day of travel. We are leaving Kenting and heading back North to check in at the Tunghai U campus hotel. We have been taking turns getting our own single room with every new hotel we check into. Now it is my turn to have my single room at this hotel and I am super excited. On our way to the hotel we stopped at the earthquake museum and then another sky walk. We didn't stop for food so i've been surviving off of bread, chips, and cranberry juice the whole ride. Overall it was a fantastic day.

This earthquake happened on September 21st in 1999. Which is why it says 921. This whole museum is on this particular earthquake and showing the devastation it caused along with how they worked to combat future earthquakes.

Sky walk

Ostrich eggs

Checked into the hotel. Its beautiful. I am excited to see what all this university has to offer.

Dr. Huang, our professor, took us to the night market and brought us to this fabulous restaurant called Doner Kebab, and got some food. This was a spicy chicken kabab sandwich. Omg it was legit the best sandwich I have had on this trip. Then we went shopping and I bought a beautiful purse. 


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