Flying back to MN!

Well, the time as finally come to return back to the U.S. I was over ecstatic to return home, but just as equally sad to be leave Taiwan. I have made such amazing memories. I couldn't have imagined this trip to go any better than it did. I loved the people I've connected with, the places I've traveled, the food I was able to the try, and everything else I've explained since the beginning of my Blog. I am so happy I got to finally study abroad, and I hope to make more experiences like this in the future.

In the airport in Taiwan

Food in the Korean air port, where we had an 8 hour lay over. It was so boring, because we had nothing to do. So, i ate this food pictured above then looked around to see if there was anything to buy, and there wasn't. Then we attempted to sleep, but the chairs were so hard and uncomfortable to sleep on the chair. 

Food on the long flight back to Minneapolis. Honestly, this food was way better this time then the food we received on the way there. 


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