Last day in Kenting

Started off the day with some breakfast. They gave us an egg, some fries, a salad,and some sausages. I wouldn't eat these items for breakfast, or even together as a meal, but that's what we were served. I didn't like anything besides the fries and the eggs. We headed to Kenting National Park, hit up Henchen city for some more green onion pancakes, went go carting, paint balling, and then had dinner at Bossa Nova which is an american style restaurant.

First Stop, Chuanfan Rock

sea shells that make up the sand on the beach

Eluanbi Park

Strawberry ice cream, it was really good. The middle white part was like a creme flavor. It wasn't really a refreshing type of ice cream, but it was definitely needed due to hot it was outside. 

Chhuo Nature Fire. This place has holes in the ground that naturally release gas, and some how some way this gas was lit and now has been burning for a very long time.

Time to get in the go carts. I wasn't very fond of the go kart helmets. It barely fit my head and I wasn't sure how clean it was. Had a blast though.

 We were all wearing different colored hats because our first round of paint ball was a free for all. The hats helped to distinguish all of us from each other. I also didn't like wearing these hats. I am sure they are washed, but I know multiple people wear these hats so felt like I was wearing someone else's hat.

It was time to start our paint ball war. Me and Baily were a team and so we were wearing the same colored suit, and the other two were on the other team. It was a lot of fun, although Baily hit everyone of us, so I got about 3 baby welts on my arm, on my leg, and by my back. I have never done paint ball on an outside track, only inside tracks. I really enjoyed playing this game with a smaller group. It was just us four which made it more close and personal. 

Had a chicken sandwich at Bossa Nova. It wasn't anything like a chicken sandwich back home, but it was good enough to eat once we all added pico de gallo to it.  In the end, all our stomachs were hurting, so we think maybe the sandwich is to blame


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