Final Presentation

On Tuesday the 21st I legit didn't leave the hotel all day. I just finished my last paper comparing Chinese and Western Medicine, and then worked on the presentation me and my partner were presenting tomorrow. On the morning of Wednesday the 22nd, me and my partner gave our final presentation on the research we conducted, as well as depicting what we did for our chemistry experiments, and finishing with our personal experience. After the presentation was over we had the rest of the day to do what ever we wanted. So me, Baily, and Kaylee all left and went to a pizza hut buffet which is pictured above. Honestly, I thought majority of the pizza was nasty. It only made me want more pizza from back home. The sauces and flavors were just weird. Once we finished we went back to the hotel to prepare for the dinner we all had to attend later on as a group. Our Final outing. It was also a buffet and again, I didn't find that I found a lot of foods I personally enjoyed. I think at that point I was just ready to be home with food I am use to eating. After we left the buffet, me, kaylee, and baily all went back to the hotel again to get dressed to go to a night club called wave. That again, was extremely weird. I don't like that they allow people to smoke in the club, I absolutely hate the smell of cigarettes. I also don't like that all they listen to is EDM. That is not a good source of music in a club. Everyone was just fist pumping. I think our clubs are better honestly, and a lot cleaner.


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